"We now stand on the verge of a great new age in magnetic science and its applications, a tool that has been provided by Mother Nature herself." - Ralph U. Sierra M.D.

Magnetic therapy has a rich history that traces back to ancient civilizations like the Aztecs, Mayans, and the Chinese. This therapeutic practice is centred around harmonizing the body's electromagnetic field to foster overall wellness. Historical records suggest that in the 14th century, it was believed magnets could draw out diseases from the body stemming from their ability to attract iron.
With the progression of time, our comprehension of magnets and their benefits in wellness has grown.

When applied to the body magnets can promote enhanced micro blood circulation into the specific targeted regions. The subsequent increase in blood flow aids in the delivery of nutrients, simultaneously eliminating toxins and contaminants. Magnets present a natural avenue for vigour improvement that can be utilized as often as needed without adverse effects.

A non-invasive method of treatment providing preventive measures and therapeutic solutions for numerous chronic conditions with high success rates.

Magnetic therapy, though currently witnessing a resurgence in interest, isn't a novel concept. It has been a fundamental part of Chinese medicine for over two millennia. Ancient records from Egypt, India, and Greece also mention the therapeutic use of magnets. Modern science and technology, like NASA discovered that magnetic field generators were vital in spacecraft to maintain normal health for the astronauts. 

Magnetic therapy harnesses the inherent energy of magnetism, a vital element for human health and wellness. As a magnetic field permeates all cells and tissues, it aids the body's intrinsic healing processes. Enhancing blood flow and fluid exchange in injured tissues, this therapy can alleviate pain and inflammation.


What the Experts Say :

Magnetic energy has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, lymph flow, hormone production, nerves, and muscles. Dr. Ulrich Warnke

The application of a magnetic field has the virtues of simplicity, freedom from danger and low cost. Dr. Evelyne Holzapfel

The astounding results obtained through magnet therapy give it a place of considerable importance in the field of therapeutics. Neville S. Bengali M.D.

This is a revolution in the therapy of muscle injuries, joint pain, and posture problems. We have treated 4,000 patients with whiplash injuries by means of the magnet and helped 80% of them. Dr. J.B. Baron M.D.

Magnets are scientifically proven to be able to assist the body to regain its self-healing electromagnetic balance naturally. Ken Wianko, M.D.

Normal exposure to natural geomagnetic fields of the earth has diminished and many people suffer from, "magnetic field deficiency syndrome, which, can cause headaches, dizziness, muscle stiffness, chest pain, insomnia, constipation, and general fatigue. The use of magnets assists in restoring the natural magnetic balance required by the body’s healing process." Kyoichi Nakagawa M.D.

Magnetic fields stimulate metabolism and increase the amount of oxygen available to the cells of the body. Magnet therapy can increase enzyme action because it fosters a favourable environment within cells (mainly a proper pH)." William H. Philpott M.D.

Pain is a universal condition - all of us have it at one time or another.. Many people don't like taking drugs, and they are seeking alternative approaches for therapy... I was a skeptic about magnets until I did a study that proved they worked!" Carlos Vallbona, M.D. - Baylor College of Medicine, Dept. of Family and Community Medicine and Distinguished Service Professor

Magnets have proven effective in more than 80% of patients... In some cases such as carpal tunnel syndrome, the success rate is 95%. There's no doubt about it - millions of people can be helped from chronic pain by the use of magnets." W. Bradley Worthington, MD, Former President of the Tennessee Society of Anesthesiologists

This is not magic, there is nothing mystical about this... We have tested magnets on more than 5,000 patients and there is absolutely no doubt the treatment works. Robert Holcomb, MD, Assistant Professor a Neurology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Magnetic energy has a beneficial effect on blood circulation, lymph flow, hormone production, nerves and muscles. Dr. Ulrich Warnke, MD - Magnets To Overcome Pain. The New Healing Method

The astounding results obtained through magnet therapy gives it a place of considerable importance in the field of therapeutics. Neville S. Bengali, MD - Magnet Therapy: Theory and Practice

This is the most exciting thing I have seen since I discovered chiropractic for the first time. All chiropractors should know about magnet therapy. Dr. George A. Rolfs, D.C. - Energy Therapy

Our players have used magnets for two years and they have proven to be an effective aid in the recovery of professional football's aches, pains and injuries. Ryan Vermillion, MD, Director of Rehabilitation for the Miami Dolphins

Magnetic therapy in Japan and elsewhere in parts of Europe and Asia has become a kind of folk medicine, a reliable form of medical self-care. Richard Leviton - Healing with Nature's Energy East-West Journal, June 1986